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Mingde Minimum-Security Prison,Agency of Corrections,Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Rehabilitation and Education Section

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2018-12-25
  • View count:1170
Action Plan of In-Prison Introduction and Voluntary Guidance Programme
Purpose:For solidifying the correction and detention business of prisons and custodian institutions as well as the continuation and connections of life-enhancing protection, we expand our counseling services. To have more effects, we establish this plan.
Prisons and custodial institutions in this plan include prisons, skill training institutions, juvenile reform schools, correctional schools, detention centers, juvenile detention houses, juvenile rehabilitation institutions and other correctional institutions. In the following text, we use the general term ‘prisons and custodial institutions.’
The content of the plan mainly has two parts:introduction to the prison after entrance, and a voluntary guidance programme
Introduction to the prison after entrance:Introduce life-enhancing protection and employment, vocational training and other related information. Thus inmates have more understanding of life-enhancing protection and relevant resources which assist their motivation to become independent in their new life.
Counseling Service:Through in-depth counseling, lasting care and prompt assistance, we help our protected inmates to solve problems, to rebuild their confidence and to become independent in their new life.
Staff who implement the plan:The branches can arrange committee members, professional staff, life-enhancing counselors, successful persons taking life-enhancing counseling, associated companies and factories, as well as personnel from the institutions of social welfare, of employment service, and of vocational training.
After entering the prison, the objects and methods of our introduction to the prison are as follows:
Regarding personnel in charge of disciplining and educating: The branches will organize proper seminars. They will also contact the domiciliary prisons to arrange opportunities to promote life-enhancing protection affairs using relevant resources to personnel in charge of disciplining and educating. Then the disciplining and educating personnel can notify inmates at the proper time.。
Regarding inmates: The branches negotiate or cooperate with the educational programmes and skill training courses. During inmates’ free time, the inmates (not limited to those who are about to complete their penalty sentences) can be introduced to the business of life-enhancing, proper ways of employment, relevant resources or counseling services or chances for sharing personal experiences and so on. Thus, our inmates can be more stimulated to become independent and build themselves a new life and apply what they have learned in prison later on in the real world.

In-prison promotions are in principle held four times each year. When there are good programmes or opportunities, the prison will add more promotional activities.
The targeting objectives and approaches of the voluntary guidance programme:
In the aspect of individual cases, the prison acknowledges those who are going to leave the prison:
Each branch negotiates with the domiciliary prison which can notify monthly a list of those prisoners due for released within the subsequent three months.When each branch receives the notification list, it can negotiate with the prison to arrange places to hold group education and counseling. To strengthen protection and to promote employment, prisons and custodial institutions will investigate whether any branch is willing to accept inmates under life-enhancing protection. After the branch’s evaluation, the matter can be settled in the following ways:
  (A)Individual cases whose household registries are registered in the domiciliary area:
  1.After evaluation, those who are willing to offer voluntary guidance and those who need voluntary guidance:
  (1) Arrange proper committee members, or life-enhancing consultants to offer voluntary guidance. The information about individual cases and relevant forms will be given.
  (2) Committee members or life-enhancing consultants receive the individual-case information for the voluntary guidance. They should promptly carry out a family interview of these individual cases. They should understand their family conditions, support level and opinions. There shall be 1 time or 2 times of in-prison individual guidance to build the counseling relationship. Thus inmates’ confidence and good values can be reconstructed. Additionally, they can help inmates to make a career plan so that they can succeed leading a new life in society after leaving prison.
  (3) After the individual inmate leaves prison, the original committee member or life-enhancing consultant will continue to provide interviews and follow-up counseling. They continuously care about their life and offer information concerning vocational training, employment, study, adoption or other necessary assistance. Hopefully, ex-inmates can gradually make their own living on their own.
  (4) In principle, the period of voluntary guidance lasts 3 months. When it is necessary, the service of voluntary guidance extends longer. At least, there should be 2 occasions of follow-up counseling every month during the period of voluntary guidance. The ways of follow-up counseling are as follows: visit in person, or phone contacts, or correspondence to care of them or attending activities together and so on.
  (5) During the period of voluntary guidance, when some cases can be closed, or after completing voluntary guidance, some cases via examinations have no need of continuous guidance. A final report on these closed cases should be handed out to each branch for finalization.
  (6) After completing the period of voluntary guidance, some cases after evaluation have to have extended voluntary guidance. It is necessary to report to the branch to continue voluntary guidance until the time to close the case.
  2.After evaluations, those who are not willing to have voluntary guidance and those do not need it:
  (1) In principle, there is no in-prison individual counseling.
  (2) After the individual inmate goes out of the prison, there will be life-enhancing consultants who carry out an interview. There will be another evaluation based on the result of the interview to conclude whether there is willingness for voluntary guidance or any need of it.
  (3) After a second evaluation, we check whether there is any inmate who accepts voluntary guidance or who needs it. If yes, the matter will be handled according to the above-mentioned procedures. If there is no inmate who is willing or in need to receive it but who needs follow-up counseling, the matter will be dealt in the ordinary ways of follow-up counseling. If there are situations like a refusal to be protected or losing contact, etc., these cases shall be closed.
  (B)Individual cases whose household registries are not registered in the domiciliary area:
  1.Each branch receives the notification list from the prisons. It negotiates with the prison to arrange group education to strengthen protection and to promote employment. It is vital to investigate whether there is any inmate who is willing to accept life-enhancing protection and to address their difficulties.
  2.Those who are willing to accept life-enhancing protection should tell their personal information and difficulties in order to make proper files. Later on, the domiciliary branches of their household registration area will be informed via the files.
Guidelines for the Voluntary Guidance Programme:
t is vital to keep confidentiality about individual information in each case. Personal privacy should be fully respected.
When any matter is difficult to solve, please contact the professional of the branch immediately for possible solutions.
Please keep an attitude of love, patience and tolerance to communicate with inmates. Thus the distance in-between each other can be shorter. Furthermore, trust can be built up. The defensiveness of the life-enhancing inmates could be removed.
Living guidance should be offered. It is necessary to help the individual case to develop correct senses of values and healthy leisure activities.
First, it is important to get a clear picture of the family background and members involved in each case. So can voluntary guidance could be smoothly carried out.
Please take care of personal security. When there is any emergency, please ask for help from police institutions.
It is forbidden to have any financial relationship or cooperative business, etc. with any individual case.
Please take the profession, identity, social status and individual willingness and other things into consideration to adopt appropriate approaches to carry out voluntary guidance.
A family interview should be conducted before in-prison individual counseling in case the in-prison individual case ask for other assistance rather than ask our consultants or contact with their family members for help.
Principles Concerning Closed Cases on the Voluntary Guidance Programme:
An individual case goes through employment, business start-up, and accommodation settlement and so on. After a certain period of time, they have a stable life. But for those who apply for business start-up loans, their cases should be closed when they pay off their loans.
An individual case joins and completes a skill training programme. Additionally, they meet the above-mentioned conditions.
An individual asks for terminating protection. However, those individual cases which are protected and supervised should notify their own ombudsman or guardian for more counseling.。
An individual case becomes a recidivist, or loses his/her life, or loses contact.
At the beginning of the voluntary guidance programme, the branch has to elect willing committee members and life-enhancing consultants to take charge of it. Next, they have to select proper individual cases to carry out the programme. They have to keep records all the time and adjust their approaches.
Each branch should arrange vocational workshops for life-enhancing consultants. There should be an introduction to the programme. At any time, the purpose of voluntary guidance programme and implementing achievements should be introduced and promoted. Thus the life-enhancing consultants could be more stimulated and willing to join this voluntary guidance programme. Furthermore, more people in this programme can be developed and become professionals. Then we could increase the number of voluntary-guidance individual cases.


Those that perform well in the voluntary guidance programme will be awarded by the branch, according to the relevant regulations. Alternatively, they will be promoted and awarded by Chinese Voluntary Service Association or other groups. Those who cannot have efficient performance are considered not to renew their contracts.
The descriptions with regard to successful individual cases in the voluntary guidance programme are going to be edited and published. There will be books with an aim to promote such a programme. After the individual cases agree, their stories can be promoted by the mass media.
The budget for implementing such a programme, based on the related regulations, should be listed in the annual task plans. The achievements should be classified into indirect protection or promotion in the statistics table of protection achievement.
The action plan of the voluntary guidance programme should be ratified by the Ministry of Justice. When there are amendments, they should go through the same procedures.
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