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Mingde Minimum-Security Prison,Agency of Corrections,Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage



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  • Last updated:2023-06-16
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structure of orgenization


picture of Structure

title of warden

Supervise all the administration and the staff members.


title of deputy warden

Assist the Warden and facilitate the coordination between all departments.


title of prison officers' committee

Warden, Vice Warden, Head of department Administration issues with re-
gard to prisoner’s discipline issues should be decided by the committee.
Warden is entitled to make decision in urgent cases and he is liable to rep-
ort to the committee.

Job duties of the various committees : In order the facilitate the implementa-
tion of Investigation and classifying, rehabilitation, education instructing, ope-
ration, hygiene, disciplinary action, various committees have been set up

1. Investigation and classifying committee
2. Rehabilitation and education committee
3. Operation committee
4. Hygiene committee
5. Disciplinary action committee.

Committee members are chosen by warden and they are not been paid.


title of statistics office

1. Statistical analysis and Information data control.
2. Data storage - date of prisoner induction and discharge.
3. Statistical report.
4. Drafting statistical chart.
5. Conduct census.
6. Communication and Management of all the information.



1. Drafting the Annual Financial Statements
2. Drafting the annual budget
3. Drafting Accounting report or semi-annual report
4. Issuing invoice and accounting entries
5. Management of operation fund, fixed asset and petty cash
6. Invoicing, account receivable and account payable.
7. Inspection of all materials purchased
8. Fund forecast and budgeting


title of civil service ethics office

1. Drafting of legal regulations.
2. Propaganda of legal regulations.
3. Prevention and administration of any illegal event.
4. Administration of any suggestions.
5. Performance appraisal and relevant rewarding and reprimand.
6. Confidentiality control.
7. Other relevant legal issues


title of personnel office

1. Overall employment of the staff.
2. Performance appraisal.
3. Retirement application and fund allocation.
4. Organise training and meeting attendance.
5. Medical aid insurance, allowance and welfare.
6. Other personnel duties.


title of general affairs section

1. Sending, receiving, composing and custody of all documents.
2. The Custody and Management of Seal
3. Cashier service
4. Building repair and maintenance.
5. Induction and discharge.
6. Filing and management of profiles.
7. Custody of articles brought in by prisoner.
8. Report of shortened sentence to remit.
9. Custody and management of food.
10. Liaison with security department.
11. Organising and Supervising the welfare.
12. Administration and organizing of prisoner funeral service
13. Other sundry services.



1. Guarding.
2. Custody of key.
3. Training of staff and routine work allocation.
4. The application, training and custody of weapon, guarding tools, extinguis-
hers, communication devices, surveillance system.
5. Allocation and custody of food, clothing, linens and other facilities.
6. Cleaning and Hygiene maintenance.
7. Evaluate the prisoner behaviour.
8. Inspection of articles, letters and meeting.
9. Inspection of dormitory, plant and body check.
10. Disciplinary action.
11. Guarding prisoner and pursuing the escaped prisoners.
12. Other guarding administration.


title of health and hygiene section

1. Planning and Organising of Health& Hygienic plans and facilities.
2. Prevention of Contagious disease.
3. Nursing training.
4. Medical examination.
5. Special examination.
6. Sick bay management.
7. Medication.
8. Storage of drug and medical equipment.
9. Cleaning and inspection of the overall environment.
10. Guarded stay in hospital for medication, death reporting and notification.
11. Other psychological, physical and health care issues.


title of business section

1. Operational instructions and technical training.
2. Selection of type of operations and the follow-up.
3. Purchasing and custody of the operational materials.
4. Organising the operation, performance appraisal and fund calculation.
5. Deployment and Allocation of the operation.
6. Drafting operational contract.
7. Procurement, custody, maintenance and repair of operational equipment.
8. Evaluation, selling and custody of finished product.
9. Management, Allocation and Performance appraisal of operators.
10. Other relevant operational administration.



1. Instruction & Education and Consultation.
3. Advice on Parole and Parole abolishment to send in and probation.
4. Entertaining Activities and Physical Training.
5. Organising meeting and zoning division.
6. Invite relevant institution, group or individual to facilitate education, public sp-
eaking and religious propaganda.
7. Edit and Administrate Periodicals.
8. Other relevant Rehabilitation and Education.
9. Induction Orientation.
10. Direct and Indirect Investigations.
11. Conduct mental health examinations. .
12. Classification and custody of fingerprint and photographs. .
13. Drafting, verification and recommendation of the disciplinary action
14. Liaison after discharge and rehabilitation proection matters.
15. Other relevant investigation classification.


title of parole board

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