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Mingde Minimum-Security Prison,Agency of Corrections,Ministry of Justice:Back to homepage


Security Section

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  • Last updated:2018-12-25
  • View count:1190
Security Section Provides
Rules of Inmates' Staying with Their Families
Rules for Inmates Staying with Their Families, Taiwan’s Mingde Open Prison
(Authorized by the Prison Affairs Committee and implemented on May 15th, 2002)

For entry registration in our Security and Control Section, those families permitted to stay with inmates should come at 3, or 4, or 5 P.M. on the designated day (During weekends: 9 - 11 A.M., 3 - 5 P.M.) with their ID cards or any household registration documents.

Families should show the prison what (including private things) they bring in (out). Some things are strictly forbidden --for example, alcohol, cigarettes, communication equipment (e.g. electronic products which do not charge power), cooking facilities for raw foods etc.
The maximum of daily food supply that inmates’ families can bring is 2 kilograms.
Please take care of the facilities and equipment in the dormitory. Please do not waste water and electricity. It there is anything wrong, please contact our dormitory controller for repairs. If any public properties are damaged or stolen, inmates’ families should pay for them at their original prices.
Inmates and families should abide by the relevant regulations during family-visiting time. Drinking alcohol, gambling, cooking, fighting and other improper behaviour are forbidden.
Families should leave the dormitory before 10 A.M. on their designated day, i.e. the last day of their stay. If families would like to check out before 7:30 A.M., inmates should report to the Central Station. Before taking their leave, families should clean up their rooms. Please leave fruit skins and waste paper in the indicated places. Please do not throw them away in any old place.
While staying in the dormitory, families may like to go out of the prison. Please register in the Security and Control Section during the office hours. Please hand in room keys and ID cards for completing the procedures; then you can go in and out.
The activity ranges for families are within the area of family-visit dormitories, Mingde Buddha Hall and so on. Activities like hiking or rafting are forbidden for reasons of security. Please also take care of the security of accompanying children. When they go out of the dormitory, please dress them properly. Hot pants or low-neck clothes which show part of the breasts or backs are not appropriate because they can arouse ‘lustful’ feelings. We would like to avoid any related accidents of security and control.
Tables, chairs and other equipment in the family-visit dormitories are not allowed to be moved outside of the dormitories. Also, please do not take other objects out of the dormitory for reasons of sanitation, cleanliness and beauty. All clothes should be hung up in the clothes-hanger area behind the dormitory building.
Families come to visit inmates in our prison. They cannot designate the wards where they are going to stay. The arrangement of family-visit rooms is settled by the official of our prison in charge of the case.
Families should park their vehicles at the side of the road near the main entrance. Our prison does not have any responsibility for parked vehicles. Please do not bring expensive property into the prison. Take good care of your money and things. The prison does not offer any compensation.
Inmates and their families should comply with the above-mentioned regulations. If there is any violation, after inspection and being proved true, the family-visit stay will be cancelled immediately. In addition, the inmate will be punished according to the prison's rules.
The schedule of our exclusive buses in the prison to receive inmates’ families back and forth from the main entrance is as follows:In: At 3, 4, 5 P.M., there is one bus.Out: At 9:30 A.M. and 9:30 P.M., there is one bus.
After these rules are authorized by the Prison Affairs Committee, they take effect. The procedures to make amendments are the same.
If you have any question about home-visit stays in our prison, please dial this service line:Guard and Control Section in our prison: (06) 578-2400
Rules for inmates' home visits
(Authorized by the Prison Affairs Committee and implemented on July 16th, 2002)

Before returning home, our inmates should first go to register at the local police station (the branch police office) with their ‘Home Visit Certificate.’

Our inmates should promptly return back to the prison, as designated on their ‘Home Visit Certificate.’
During the home-visit period, inmates should be well-behaved. Our inmates should not roam about or go to any indecent places.
Our inmates should not make unnecessary appointments, gamble, or buy lottery tickets. They should not take drugs or alcohol. They should not drive at speed or carry out any illegal acts. It is absolutely forbidden to drive after drinking. Any inmate who returns back to our prison with the smell of alcohol is not entitled to apply for the next home visit.
Our inmates should not keep in contact with gangsters or bad friends in order to avoid happenings of troubles and delays in returning to the prison.
Inmates should behave themselves. They should not carry out any act which does damage to the prison’s reputation or take revenge on their enemies.
If any natural disaster or unavoidable disaster or accident happens, the road back to the prison may be closed by damage or transportation paralyzed. Our inmates cannot then return to the prison on time. Or other drastic situations may happen, meaning that they could not come back to the prison on time, for instance, having emergency hospital treatment or encountering the death of inmates’ parents, their spouses, or their children. In such cases, our inmate should contact our prison as soon as possible: Service line: (06) 5782400; (06) 5783281 and tell us what happens. We will quickly decide another day on which they should return. After being permitted to extend the home visit period, the inmate should hand in an ‘accident certificate.’ If our inmates have stayed at a public hospital, they need to collect and supply us with this certificate issued by the hospital.
If our inmates are late returning to the prison because they were involved in a car accident on the way back, their vehicle broke down or a traffic jam, they should contact us as soon as possible. If it is a car accident, our inmate’s car must be taken away. Our inmate should ask the local police office, where the accident took place, and get a certificate. Then, the proof becomes sufficient.
Our inmates should show a ‘Home Visit Certificate’ and ‘Family Communication Book’ to their visiting family for a signature and a record of their arrival and departure time. When they come back to the prison, they should have the signatures of the Chief Guard at the main entrance and the director of Central Station.
Our inmates should pay attention to the time to come back to the prison, the deadline of a home visit. They’d better take an early leave in case of delay in the time for in-prison registration.
If our inmates have no good reason to explain why they do not come back to the prison in time as regulated, they will be charged with attempted escape.
When coming back and registering, our inmates should have only light luggage. What they bring in should be handled according to the Rules Concerning In-Prison Objects announced by our prison. Forbidden objects are strictly disallowed for bringing in to the prison.
If there is any violation of the above-mentioned regulations, the inmate should be punished according to the prison’s rules. If there is any illegal act, the inmate will be prosecuted according to law.
After these rules are authorized by the Prison Affairs Committee, they take effect. The procedures to make amendments are the same.
Points about Service to Inmates

The purpose is to strengthen our public service to the families of our inmates. We hope that when they come to our prison and ask for information or service, they can receive the best service and respect. We wish to set a model for other civil service institutions – that’s why we provide Points about Service to Inmates.

When our inmates’ families come to our prison for information or for service, our on-duty officials should pay attention to their dress, their ways of talking and behaviour. They should greet visitors warmly, saying ‘Please’ and ‘Thank you.’ When visitors leave the prison, our officials should say ‘Goodbye! Have a good day!’
On-duty personnel should be familiar with the related regulations and rules. They should be patient and friendly to explain in detail about the enquired matters.
When there is a necessary inspection of physical bodies or other inspection matters, our official should pay enough respect to avoid physical insults. For examples, male officials are not allowed to touch female bodies and can use metal detectors instead. The inspected objects should be returned so as not to cause public disorder and complaints or to do damage to the image of the authority.
If the enquiry is not within the business range of the official, he or she helps to pass the call to another official in charge who can explain things better. Thus we can avoid incomplete instructions or mistakes or confusion. We will not leave the public with a bad impression of our public service.
Our personnel should actively provide what inmates’ families need. They should not deliberately evade such duty.
Our officials should check whether all the facilities function, and whether something needs to be added in the waiting room, meeting room, without being told. They should keep the rooms neat and clean so that visiting families can have a nice environment to make their inquiries or to meet inmates.
These points are ratified by the Superintendent. Then these rules are authorized by the Prison Affairs Committee and take effect. The procedures to make amendments are the same.
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